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Wednesday, November 28

Week 14 

Today’s Agenda:

  • Warm Up​ - Final Portfolio Sample and Review

  • Final Portfolio Workshop and Peer Review

  • Homework


Today's Goals:

Learning Outcomes​

  • Demonstrate your ability to use your analyses of rhetorical situations to identify options and to make appropriate choices that will enable you to use writing to achieve specific purposes

  • Demonstrate your ability to analyze different rhetorical situations (in academic, workplace, or civic contexts)

  • Evaluate the ways in which you have become a more reflective (mindful, self-aware, thoughtful) writer

Habits of Mind

  • Creativity is fostered when writers are encouraged to represent what they have learned in a variety of ways

  • Responsibility is fostered when writers are encouraged to engage and incorporate the ideas of others, giving credit to those ideas by using appropriate attribution.

Key Terms​

  • Composing processes: planning, researching, drafting, sharing and responding, revising, editing, publishing, reflecting

  • Genre and genre conventions

  • Research as Learning/Information Literacy


Warm Up

Today for your warm up, you'll be working in small groups to analyze a sample response to a learning outcome for a final portfolio.

In your groups, open and skim the following sample LO portfolio entry from a former student:

Sample RO Learning Outcome

Answer the following questions/do the following tasks:

  • Looking at the bottom of the Portfolio Guidelines page for the process steps, identify in the document whether or not the student writer completed all steps. Identify where the writer has completed the steps and whatever steps are missing or incomplete.

  • Is the writer's explanation of the learning outcome clear? How could it be improved?

  • Underline the pieces of evidence used by the writer to show that they've achieved the outcome. Does the writer connect the evidence to the outcome effectively?

  • Describe one thing the writer does well in the response.

  • Describe one thing the writer should improve on in the response.


First Year Symposium

FYS is on Friday. You must be present during the time you signed up for with Professor Hartman. If you do not go to FYS, you will receive no credit for the work you've done and the presentation you gave in class. 


Intersections: Situations & Genres

By now, you should be well into the drafting stage on your genres. Please seek help and feedback. You can schedule a meeting with me, you can take your work to the Writing Center, you can consult independently with classmates. Please ask me any questions you have regarding your genre projects. Do not procrastinate on these. Remember, everything is due next Friday.


Don't forget to complete a Genre Justification for each of your two genres for our class.


Today - Portfolio Reflective Overview Peer Review

Create a document in your Engagement and Learning folder and share it with the classmate you will be peer reviewing. The document should be labeled "Final Portfolio RO Peer Review." At the top of the document put your name first, then "reviewing" followed by your classmate's name. Copy/Paste the questions/tasks listed above in the Warm Up to this new document. Answer the questions by a learning outcome chosen by the classmate you are reviewing.


If you do not complete this in class, you must complete it for homework before Friday. It must be in your Final Portfolio for credit.


Answer the following questions/do the following tasks:

  • Looking at the bottom of the Portfolio Guidelines page for the process steps, identify in the document whether or not the student writer completed all steps. Identify where the writer has completed the steps and whatever steps are missing or incomplete.

  • Is the writer's explanation of the learning outcome clear? How could it be improved?

  • Underline the pieces of evidence used by the writer to show that they've achieved the outcome. Does the writer connect the evidence to the outcome effectively?

  • Describe one thing the writer does well in the response.

  • Describe one thing the writer should improve on in the response.


Looking Ahead:


FINAL PORTFOLIO RO - Due Friday, December 7

No extensions will be given for turning this in. Plan accordingly. 


Genre 1& 2 for Writing & Rhetoric - Continuous work

You should be actively working on planning and drafting these alongside your work on Symposium presentation.


Countdown to the End:

Genre 1 & 2 Drafting (all the time)

FYS (11/30) - remember, failure to attend will result in no credit for your graded presentation

Genre Justifications (On-going, turn in with Final Portfolio)

Genre Peer Reviewing and Drafting (11/28, 11/30)

Final Portfolio Reflective RO Workshop (11/26, 12/3)

Final Portfolio Due (12/7)


Ask questions about any of this now, don't wait until the day before a due date or deadline.





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